Friday, September 4, 2009

Heartland Photo Group

Deb and I were invited to the Heartland Photo group in Calvert City to speak on Thursday night.
They meet the first Thursday of every month. They were so nice and gracious.

We had a good meal at the Cracker Barrel and went to a Baptist Church to meet. They had a very nice facility.

The class was on Wedding Photography. Since we are going to be giving an early bird class in January at the state convention, we felt this would be a good warm up for that.

We talked about what we do dealing with weddings from the initial phone call to the delivery of albums. No body got up and walked out and no one seemed to leave mad. So maybe we did alright!

I was so proud of Deb. She really did a great job. I did not know after being married to her for 35 years that she was so articulate. Maybe if I would listen more??????

Anyway we had great participation and they stayed the whole time even though we went over our allotted time by about 20 minutes.

We have been doing them so long that it is easy to talk about weddings. We also gave them a show of many of our images and one of our son Will's shows to define the Photojournalism that we take at weddings.

I would be in favor of attending again and maybe even speaking about something else.

Thanks Heartland! You guys are a great group.

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