Tuesday, April 24, 2012

David Ziser Master Class

I was blessed with the chance to spend a week with David Ziser in Northern Kentucky at his last week long Master Digital Photography class.  He and LaDawn were the absolute best hosts imaginable.  I am hoping to get out of my box and do an even better job of Wedding Photography.  Truly, I am seeing things a little differently.

One of the best things that happened is meeting people from all over the world and discussing business with them.  A Canadian named Michael Houlden has really tried to help me with my business model and has really made me think. www.houldenstudios.ca is his website.  Go and enjoy!

Things will never be the same in photography.  Hopefully we will cope, adapt, and change as necessary to stay in business.  I will post photos from the week as I get them transferred over from the laptop. 
Thanks for reading!