Saturday, August 29, 2009

Smokies 2009

Deb and I were going to lose a week in the Smokies if we did not use it. We could not afford it but went anyway. The best thing that happened was that we met the Siebolds down here. Bill and Carolyn Siebold are parents of former students. Some of the finest people in the world. We especially have a soft spot in our hearts for their daughter Jennifer who is one of our favorites. She even helped babysit Will when he was small.

We asked them to go with us up the mountain to take pictures. They seemed to enjoy the scenery. I hope we did not bore them. I know we really enjoyed their company. They brought back many great memories about Hiseville School. Times sure have changed.

The week was full of shopping and eating and trying to relax. Upon Will's recommendation we got call-forwarding and took most of our calls down here. The worst thing was that AT&T has no service where we stayed. So to stay available, I went out and bought a disposable phone from Verizon. It works well but I am getting very tired of their calling me about nothing. Also it seems that someone else must of had the number before because I keep getting weird calls that do not talk. So goes the game of cell numbers.

Posting is not a problem and I usually have too much to say. It is just remembering to do it and finding the time.

I found a camera and lens on Craig's List down here and am going to see the owner today. I may be going deeper into debt again. We shall see!

Till next time.

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